What Conditions Benefit From Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT, is a psychological treatment for managing problems by influencing how an individual thinks, reasons, and behaves. CBT assumes that one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions are interlinked; negative thoughts can result in an unending cycle of negative or unhealthy patterns. To alter such a state, a seemingly overwhelming problem is broken down, and practical ways of improving one’s overall state of mind are developed. Though commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, it can also be used in mental health counseling to treat other mental and emotional conditions. Below are a couple of conditions that benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy.

Anxiety Disorders and Depression

Everyone gets anxious about something at some point, so you aren’t alone. You may have been anxious during your first job interview, while eagerly waiting for results, or when just about to go up on stage and address a large audience. However, if you’re anxious to the point of having panic attacks, social isolation, and depression, consider mental health counseling.

Consult your physician to help you cope with the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that may trigger anxiety attacks or depression. According to the American Psychiatric Association, psychotherapy sessions are typically held once a week for about 45 to 50 minutes. Additionally, CBT can be highly effective in preventing a relapse of symptoms associated with anxiety disorders or depression.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Also known as PTSD, this condition is common among people who’ve undergone traumatic ordeals such as physical abuse or sexual violence, grief or loss of a loved one, fatal accidents, war-related events, and natural disasters such as floods. Such occurrences may leave one scarred for life. Many keep reliving these incidents to the extent that they cannot focus on anything else.

Other symptoms associated with PTSD include strong emotions and feelings of fear and helplessness, insomnia, irritability, and physical reactions such as sweating when reminded of the event. With the help of a mental health counselor and CBT, one can manage this condition, have better social relations and get on with their day-to-day lives. Help is available.

Aside from the conditions highlighted above, CBT may also treat bipolar disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, schizophrenia, and eating disorders. Unlike other forms of talk therapy, CBT focuses on addressing current situations to find better coping methods. Be on the lookout for symptoms associated with these conditions and seek mental health counseling should you or a loved one need help. Contact Strength for Change to make an appointment.