The recommended treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is typically a combination of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. Medication helps with focus and is typically prescribed by a primary care physician or a psychiatrist. Behavioral therapy is typically delivered by local therapists who are trained to treat patients with ADHD. Let’s take a closer look at how local therapists can help individuals with this condition.
Diagnosis and Assessment
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder with various symptoms and co-morbid mental health conditions. Diagnosis is essential to ensure that a patient with this condition receives the proper treatment. Local therapists are trained to utilize assessment tools to provide an accurate diagnosis.
A therapist will use comprehensive testing to assess a patient and determine the severity of their symptoms. That information is then used to come up with a personalized treatment plan. Every individual experiences the symptoms of ADHD differently; accurate assessments are a must to determine the right treatment.
Family Therapies
ADHD doesn’t only affect the individual diagnosed with ADHD; it affects their entire family. A therapist can provide family counseling, parent training, and psychoeducation. Through family therapy and education, families are empowered to become partners in managing ADHD for the patient.
Understanding ADHD and its effect on daily life can help families better navigate life with their loved ones who have this diagnosis. Knowing what to expect and having the tools to support a family member are essential for proper treatment and living with ADHD. Local therapists can provide the support that families need.
Stress Management Therapies
ADHD is associated with higher stress and anxiety levels, especially in academic and social settings. Stress management therapies can help a patient with ADHD learn how to effectively control these feelings in any setting. Coping skills like meditation, breathing management skills, and talk therapy can help reduce these symptoms.
There is also a link between the anxiety associated with ADHD and impulsive behavior. Stress and anxiety management can help to reduce impulsive behaviors and frustration. These therapies can also help with focus, which is essential because one of the key components of an attention deficit is a lack of focus and difficulty staying on task.
Goal Setting and Transition Support
A qualified therapist knows that ADHD is a complex condition requiring a multi-tiered treatment plan, including support for goal setting and transitions. Transitions can be triggering for a patient with ADHD. During times of change, much ground gained through therapy can be lost without the right support. Life changes like moving, starting at a new school, and starting a new job can all be extremely challenging.
Setting goals and getting transition support can help reduce the anxiety life-changing events can bring. Setting achievable goals and working with a therapist for transition support can make changes easier for the patient. Small achievements can add up to make big developments easier.
Monitoring Changes in Behavior
Treating ADHD is a journey; it isn’t a process that ends at a certain age. For most people with ADHD, treatment is something they will use for most of their lives, but at different intensity levels. Local therapists use their expertise to monitor changes in behavior and adjust treatment plans. In other words, the treatment plans evolve with the patient’s current needs.
Through careful monitoring of behavior changes, the local therapists can suggest changes in the treatment plan. They can gauge the effectiveness of the treatments through behavior monitoring. Partnering with a therapist to treat ADHD is one of the best ways to ensure personalized support.
Behavioral Therapies
Local therapists can provide behavioral therapies to address specific symptoms of ADHD. These therapies may include behavior management skills, behavior contracts, and token economies to reinforce positive behaviors and reduce impulsivity. Behavioral therapies are focused on teaching a patient strategies to improve their focus, organization, stress, anxiety, and impulsive behavior.
Therapists address unwanted behavioral symptoms of ADHD by helping the patient to learn new behaviors and techniques for managing their condition. A comprehensive approach to treating ADHD is recommended because it yields the best results. This is why it’s essential for a therapist to be a part of the care team for a patient with ADHD.
According to the World Health Organization, about one out of every four people will develop a mental health problem in any given year. Local therapists are available to help with a wide range of conditions. If you need assistance managing ADHD or another mental health condition, contact Strength for Change today to learn more about our services.