Individual, Marriage, & Family Therapy

Therapy Services for Individuals, Couples, and Families in Mt.Arlington

At Strength for Change, our therapy services cater to individuals, couples, and families, offering comprehensive support for adults and children aged 9 and above experiencing a range of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, substance issues, ADHD, and more. Our four-stage therapy process is designed to maximize effectiveness and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

The Four Stages To Successful Therapy
Stage 1 – Comprehensive Assessment

The initial stage of our therapy process is the cornerstone of effective treatment. It aims to establish a trusting and collaborative relationship between the therapist and the client while delving into the nature of the client’s challenges. This phase includes in-depth clinical interviews and the use of various symptom and personality inventories. When working with children, achieving an accurate assessment is crucial. We cross-reference the information provided by the child with input from their parents, teachers, and other caregivers involved in their well-being.

Stage 2 – Treatment Planning

In this stage, we meticulously analyze the client’s information and develop an individualized treatment plan. While our specialization lies in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), we understand that therapy is not one-size-fits-all. Instead, we tailor our treatment plans to the client’s age, symptoms, personality, and level of motivation.

Our approach aligns with the American Psychiatric Association’s Best Practices Guidelines, emphasizing the use of evidence-based therapies. For example, anxiety disorders may be treated with individual CBT, while ADHD may require a combination of supportive therapy, academic coaching, and family therapy.

At the conclusion of this stage, clients receive comprehensive feedback on assessment findings, diagnoses (if applicable), and the associated treatment plans. We proceed to Stage 3 only when the client feels understood and agrees with the proposed treatment plan.

Stage 3 – Support, Skills, & Strategies

This stage focuses on equipping clients with a diverse set of tools (visit our Resources tab for our Emotional Toolkit) to regulate negative emotions, break unhealthy behavior patterns, and enhance relationships.

Stage 4 – Successful Outcomes & Booster Sessions

As clients consistently demonstrate coping skills and behavioral changes necessary for their treatment goals, we transition to the final stage. During this phase, the frequency of therapy sessions is gradually reduced and eventually concluded.

Following therapy termination, most clients choose to schedule 1-3 follow-up “booster sessions” within 12 months of their last regularly scheduled appointment. These sessions serve to reinforce the coping tools and behavioral changes acquired throughout the therapy journey.

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